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American Lit II Home Page

Dr. Bordelon's American Lit II On Campus

Here you'll find various and sundry items to help you through the course.

Contemporary and Poetry Readings
Below you'll find a variety of reading written during the time periods we're covering. These supply the intellectual background to some the concepts in the literature: these were the "topics of the day" back then and literate readers would be familiar with these authors, titles, and ideas . . . and now you will too.
  1. "Life in the Iron Mills"
  2. "Reign of King Cotton"
  3. "Wealth"
  4. Open Boat non fiction
  5. "How the Other Half Lives"
  6. "Conspicuous Consumption"
  7. Links to "Cassandra" and "Clerks" are on the Robinson and Adams lesson plan, right below their photos.
  8. Link to Frost's "Acquainted with the Night"
  9. Hughes' poems "Democracy" and Cullen's "For a Lady I Know"
  10. On the American character: "Let's Get Lost" by William Vollmann.
  11. Readings for Hemingway -- Selections from in our time and from more conventional fiction of the period.
  12. Short excerpt from The Warmth of Other Suns on the migrations of blacks from the South in the early 20th century.
Writing Assignments
Writing Suggestions
General Course Information



© 2008 David Bordelon