Dr. Bordelon's Introduction to Poetry

Body Paragraph Assignments

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Paragraph 1 | Paragraph 2

These paragraphs serve two purposes: they give you a chance to compose your thoughts on the work, and help you practice writing concise body paragraphs -- the basic component of the essays you'll be writing later this semester.  Remember that these are body paragraphs: they would fit into an essay on a particular aspect of the poem under discussion.  Your introduction and thesis would already be written, and additional paragraphs would support your overall argument.  This paragraph would prove/explain one of your points.

This means you will not be able to "say" all you want about the poem in the paragraph; again, it is meant to provide practice in the art of narrowing down and discussing a single aspect of a work in detail.

When writing your paragraph, the most important things to remember is planning, drafting, revision, and proofreading; in other words, the things you learned in English I and II.  Writing a good body paragraph will take more than one draft, but since it's short, you should have the time to complete them.

Grading for these paragraphs will be based on the clarity and depth of your response.

Specific instructions
This assignment will consist of four distinct parts
  1. Choosing, planning and drafting a paragraph topic
  2. Getting feedback on your draft
  3. Revising and proofreading draft
  4. Submitting paragraph
See below for specific breakdown of each part.
  1. Choosing, planning and drafting a paragraph topic
    1. Select one topic sentence from list below.
    2. Even if you're comfortable with your composition skills, review the Body Paragraph Suggestions page for an idea of the level of writing expected in this class.
    3. Write out a works cited entry for your paragraph.
  2. Getting feedback on your draft
    1. Make an appointment with me and/or at the Writing Center at least one day before the final draft of the Body Paragraph is due to get ideas on revision.
  3. Revising and proofreading draft
    1. Using the feedback and suggestions from the course site, revise your paragraph.
  4. Submitting paragraph
    1. Copy and paste paragraph (including works cited entry/ies) into an email to me noting the paragraph number in the subject line. I will comment, grade, and send it back to you.

Topic Sentences for Body Paragraph

Below you'll find a listing of the body paragraphs. Due dates are listed in the syllabus

General Instructions
Copy and use one of the suggested sentences below as the first sentence (topic sentence) of a paragraph. Of course you'll be using quotes from the readings explaining in detail how they prove the argument you are making. Follow the links for suggestions on planning, drafting, and revising body paragraphs.

Body Paragraph #1 (choose one)
Hint: the narrower the term you use in the blank the better.
  1. _____ also makes Catullus' poetry seem contemporary.
  2. Additionally, _____ shows the ______ of Catullus'/Sappho's love/anger.
  3. Collins also echoes Buson's haiku on the temple bell through _____.
  4. The water imagery in  _____ (<<name of Chinese poem) also relates to its theme of _____.
  5. The _____ imagery in  _____ (<<name of Chinese poem) also connects to its theme of _____.
  6. The Japanese and Chinese poetry selections are also connected by  _____.
  7. The _____ imagery in _____ (<<name of haiku) relates to its theme of _____.
  8. As noted in class, you can develop a topic sentence of your own: it should have an implied thesis and a specific point (division) that you'll prove in the paragraph. Send the topic sentence my way before hand so I can help you shape it/narrow it down.
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Body Paragraph #2 (choose one)
  1. The time metaphor in "The Passionate" is also illustrated by ______.
  2. Marlowe and Ralegh show that love as lust through ________.
  3. The time metaphor in Shakespeare's ______, is also illustrated by ______.
  4. _____ is another reason a tattoo works as a symbol of love.
  5. Love as longing is also noted in  _____'s sonnet by _______.
  6. Donne also connects sexuality to religion by/through/with _______.
  7. _____ also illustrates Donne's yoking of religion and love.
  8. _____(<DIVISION/IDEA FOR PARAGRAPH) also illustrate/s ______(<THESIS IDEA) in ______(<NAME OF POEM).
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© David Bordelon 2015