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Body Paragraph Assignment


This paragraph serves two purposes: it gives you a chance to compose your thoughts on the work, and helps you practice writing concise body paragraphs -- the basic component of the essays you'll be writing later this semester. The paragraph should work as an independent body paragraph: think of it as part of a larger essay on a particular aspect of the literary work.

Remember that you will not be able to "say" all you want about the literary work in one paragraph: it is meant to provide practice in the art of narrowing down and discussing a single aspect of a work in detail.

When writing your paragraph, the most important things to remember is planning, drafting, revision, and proofreading; in other words, the things you learned in your introductory writing course. Writing a good body paragraph will take more than one draft, but since it's short, you should have the time to complete them.



This assignment will consist of four distinct parts

  1. Choosing, planning and drafting a paragraph topic
  2. Getting feedback on your draft
  3. Revising and proofreading draft
  4. Submitting paragraph

See below for specific breakdown of each part.

  1. Choosing, planning and drafting a paragraph topic
    1. Select one topic sentence from list below.
    2. Even if you're comfortable with your composition skills, review the Body Paragraph Suggestions and Suggested Steps for Writing a Body Paragraph pages for an idea of the level of writing expected in this class.
    3. Write out a works cited entry for your paragraph.
  2. Getting feedback on your draft
    1. Make an appointment with me at least one day before the final draft of the Body Paragraph is due to get ideas on revision.
    2. Make an appointment in the Writing Center at least one day before the final draft of the Body Paragraph is due to get additional ideas on revision.
  3. Revising and proofreading draft
    1. Using the feedback and suggestions from the course site, revise your paragraph.
  4. Submitting paragraph
    1. Post to the appropriate Canvas Assignment page. 


Topic 1
Copy and use as the first sentence of a paragraph (remember to use quotes from the readings and
especially to explain in detail how it proves the "one aspect"). After planning, drafting, revising and
proofreading paragraph, send it to me via email. See instructions above for more information.

Another tenet of Puritanism which the works of Bradford and Wigglesworth
exhibit is _________.

Check the introductory material in the textbook, your class notes, and the course site (Lesson Plan for Bradford and Secondary Sources page) for aspects/characteristics of Puritanism you can connect to these authors. Focus on a particular point of Puritans, not a general point like" faith."

Topic 2
Copy and use as the first sentence of a paragraph (remember to use evidence from the readings and especially to explain in detail how it proves your point.)

Another religious aspect of Rowlandson's Narrative is its idea of punishment.

(hint: consider how punishment can change people).

Topic 3
Copy and use as the first sentence of a paragraph (remember to use evidence from the readings and especially to explain in detail how it proves your point.)

_________ is one way that Emerson's works illustrate transcendental ideas.

Use the introductory material material from the textbook to help establish what the transcendental movement entailed. See also the website (Supplemental Readings>Secondary Sources) for short essays on Transcendentalism). You should be quoting from either of these sources to confirm that ________ is, indeed, an aspect of transcendentalism.

 © 2012 David Bordelon