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These shift as new sites are found. If you find helpful sites, please send them my way ( )

The first place to check for research is, of course, the library.  While the internet is a wonderful place for general information, my students and I find that for most assignments, paper sources are still the way to go.

That said, the first place to check for online research is our library's database of sources. See the course packet under "Uh . . . where do I find sources?" for comments on specific sources.

Below find a list of links for research.

Remember that for your research essay, you need to check with me before using information from any website (unless it is from one of the OCC library's databases). Consider these a starting point -- and let me know of others to add
Links to Literary Sites

Voice of the Shuttle
A kind of online bibliography of English links

Dr. Campbell's links
A GREAT site to start with -- a culling of the sites on the Voice of the Shuttle.

19th Century American Writers
Including Irving, Cooper, Bryant, and the usual suspects

The 19th Century American Women Writers Web
Some resources/commentary and links to e-texts. Click on 19WWW for a great list of e-texts.

American Transcendentalism
Good bibliographic site on American Transcendentalism.  Has a few online documents, and a few commentaries, quotes and chronologies as well. 

Transcendental links
Emerson et al. Detailed site

In-depth Emerson site -- many links and much general information

American Studies Web
A clearinghouse for information on American Studies

Victorian literature sites
While the focus here is on British authors, the lack of copyright meant that foreign writers were often more widely read than native writers.

Victorian Web
See above

Online Texts

Project Gutenberg  
Tons o' online books, including all of the readings for this course.

Making of America
This is a full text and searchable archive of assorted and sundry 19th primary sources.  Everything from volumes of Appleton's Monthly Magazine to travel books can be found.  A must see for Americanists

Schomberg's digital library 
Searchable rare African-American texts

African-American historic texts

The American Colonist's
Library: A Treasury of Primary Documents
Colonial American Documents

The Internet Public Library
Good warehouse of sites -- they actually seem to have decided which sites are worth taking a look at.

Various and Sundry

Grammar Safari
How to "hunt" for grammar in prose

Shakespearean Insults
Build your own on Shakespearean insults

Language foul-ups of the "dress shirts for men with 16 necks" variety

Writing Tools From Harvard's Writing Center
It is what it says.

Rogets Thesaurus


 © 2009 David Bordelon
Revised 6 September 2016