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English I Home

Dr. Bordelon's English I On-Campus

Main Links (see below for other links)

Research/Citation Links

MLA 8 Template, blank

MLA 8 Template, explained

Cognitive Toolkit
A listing of over 100 ideas to help tune your thinking and rev up your brain.

Library Spot
Clearinghouse on all things librarish(?). Great site for info on literacy, etc. (their Must See links are another great source)

Site that puts statistical information in graphic form, allowing you to visualize information.

Wonder what a mean is?  What about a median? Click to find out -- and how to use them effectively in your writing.

Writing Links

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing
Purdue Online Writing Lab. Purdue University.

Paraphrasing Exercise
Purdue Online Writing Lab. Purdue University.

Purdue's done it (again)

General Grammar Guide
From Purdue University

Logic in Argumentative Essays
Word lists and descriptions of how to make your points clear.

Thinking Links

Dictionary of Ideas
A fantastic resource giving you the tools (i.e. information) to make sense of the world around you.

Links to Online Books/Magazines

Asbury Park Press
The place for local news – though it lacks a thorough archive.

A progressive/liberal site offering an alternative view to the news

A bit more rigorous than TIME, which has degenerated into a celebrity mag.

The National Review
From a conservative point of view

The Washington Times
A conservative newspaper

The Washington Post

Libertarian magazine

Mother Jones

The New York Times
Liberal?/strives for objectivity

New York Review of Books
At this site, click on the New York Review of Books icon to access thoughtful, considered, and in-depth articles on politics, social issues, and the arts: in other words, articles on life itself. As the name suggests, this is a book review, but each article amounts to a survey of the field under study. I’ve read some fascinating articles on Star Wars, prozac, Pi, Artificial intelligence, and Bosnia, in addition to essays on Shakespeare and Virginia Woolf (and even references to Shakespeare’s sister)

To use, click on the New York Review of Books icon, and go to "Search the Archives."

Issues and Things

30 Issues in 30 Weeks
A great site for thoughtful, reasoned interviews on current topics for Civic Stances. If you want to catch up on what's been going on in the world while you were writing the last two essays, this is the place to go

100 Words Every College Student Should Know
This one is rather self-explanatory.

Buying the War: Video and transcript on how the media did not question the build up to the Iraq War.



Not so Main Links

Dictionaries, etc.

Webster Dictionary
Merriam-Webster’s 10th edition dictionary online.

Choose a thesarus

Links to Online Dictionaries
400 Dictionaries in over 130 languages


A Student's Guide to Research with the WWW
How to evaluate web sources

Using Search Engines
An excellent summary of different kinds of Web search options, complete with links to different search engines.

Computer Tips


This American Life
From an article in The Nation on the show "It takes as its beat, well, life. For instance, it did a show recently on The Kindness of Strangers: Four segments, each about fifteen minutes long, each set in New York. One was about a locksmith rescuing a stranded motorist; one about a white teenager who ran away from home to move in with a black actor/father figure in fifties Harlem; one about a crazy lady who tormented the people in the apartment next door, posting notices accusing them of being drug dealers; and one about a guy who entertained his block once a week with Sinatra songs. "There is something about the judgment of strangers -- when the clerk at the record store seems unimpressed by your choice of CDs," said host Ira Glass as the show began. "It's as if by their status as strangers they have some special instantaneous insight into who we are." Which is true: It gets you thinking. But that was about it for the summing up, the philosophizing."



Search and write to your US Representative

Search and write to your US Senator

Democracy Network
Voter information – often on candidates that don’t make the mainstream news media