HTML5 Embed Video Converted by Any Video Converter

The newest generation of mainstream internet browsers all support native HTML 5 video playback without the need for third-party plugins like Adobe Flash.

Please refer to this link for the details.

To embed video in the page, use the following HTML code:

<video controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
  <source src="documentation_x264.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

Once the videos are converted to HTML5 compatible video files, you can embed it into your web pages. However, different browsers support different video codecs. Currently, Ogg Theora, H.264 and WEBM/VP8 are used in the different html 5 <video> tag implementations by the browser vendors including Internet Explorer(IE), Moziila Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera.

  Video Formats
Browsers Ogg Theora H.264 WebM/VP8
IE 7/8 No <video> support No <video> support No <video> support
IE 9 Not Supported Supported Supported only if user installs WebM for IE9
Chrome Supported Not Supported Supported
Firefox Supported Not Supported Supported
Safari Not Supported Supported Not Supported
Opera Supported Not Supported Supported

So if you want your website visitors can view the videos normally on all the browsers (ignoring IE 7/8) mentioned above, we recommend you encode your media into all HTML 5 compatible videos which are H.264, Ogg Theora and WebM/VP8. Please visit HTML5 Video Converter to learn more information.