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Sources for "A&P"
A selection of three sources in on Updike (including an interview that specifically discusses "A&P").  In PDF
Irony and Innocence in John Updike's "A&P" from Studies in Short Fiction
Updike and the Critics: Reflections on "A&P"
John Updike's "A&P": The Establishment and the Emersonian Cashier from Short Story Criticism
Afterward to "A&P" HTML

Sources for "Everyday Use"
See Christian's "'Everyday Use" and the Black Power Movement" (textbook 2216)
"Patches: Quilts and Community in Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use' " in PDF
Afterward for "Everyday Use" HTML

Sources for "A Rose for Emily"
Link to 1886 speech by Henry Grady on "The New South" HTML
Excerpt on rise of industrialism in PDF
Brooks and Warren in PDF
A Romance to Kill For from Studies in Short Fiction

Sources for "Greasy Lake"
1990 New York Times Magazine Interview with Boyle in PDF

Biographical/critical article on Boyle from Dictionary of Literary Biography

Overview of his work from Contemporary Popular Writers

Overview on "Greasy Lake" from Characters in Twentieth Century Literature

"Boyle's 'Greasy Lake' and the Failure of Postmodernism" in PDF

Web site containing several essays and interviews on Boyle

T. rex, Lies, and Videotape by Boyle
Abstract: Comments on the importance of fiction and its effects on humanity. Opinion that fiction is a version of reality and is in danger of becoming reality; How computer technology is changing how humans perceive reality; View that humans are becoming isolated from one another.

To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN 3613521 into the search line

An interview with T. Coraghessan Boyle.
Abstract: Presents and interview with author T. Coraghessan Boyle. Personal, educational and professional background of Boyle; When his first began writing; Influence of music on his writing; Nineteenth-century writers he admires.

To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN 9111183145 into the search line

The Art of Fiction No. 161
Interviewd by Elizabeth E. Adams
Paris Review
Summer 200

Sources for "Shiloh"
Interview with Mason
Interesting article on Mabel's role in the story from The Journal of Evolutionary Psychology.
Essay on the role of music in "Shiloh" from The Explicator
Essay on Norma Jean's role
Abstract: Norma Jean, the heroine of Bobbie Ann
Mason's short story 'Shiloh,' symbolizes the modern woman striving to find her identity. Norma Jean finds her individuality after she breaks free and leaves her husband Leroy despite her husband and mother attempts at dissuading her. Mason focuses on the changing relationships between men and women in the emerging social order.
Essay on the role of Southern Culture in "Shiloh" from (appropriately enough) The Southern Literary Journal
The Grail Myth in Shiloh -- interesting article from Studies in Short Fiction
Music in Shiloh
Houses in "Shiloh" in The Explicator
Subdivisions in "Shiloh" in The Explicator
On the ending of "Shiloh" in PDF



Sources for "Cathedral"
Understanding Raymond Carver exercpt from book on Carver which discusses "Cathedral"
Article on communication problems in Carver's work
The Possiblity of Resurrection compares "Feathers" and "Cathedral" to illustrate the ways in which Carver allows his characters greater freedom and ability to redeem their lives.
On Maturity in Cathedral (Scroll down towards the end)
On Growth in Cathedral from Essays in Literature
Overview on Cathedral from Reference Guide to Short Fiction
On Masculinity in Cathedral from The Journal of Men's Studies
Biographical and critical article on Carver
Interview of Carver

Sources for "Gimpel the Fool"
"Gimpel the Full"
"Singers Debt to the Romantics"
Afterward for "Gimpel the Fool"

Sources for Things They Carried

Anti-War v. Pro-War

  • Valkyries Over Iraq.
    Article on how anti-war movies do not work.
    To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN 18666881 into the search line

General Scholarly Articles on Things

Coping articles

  • Hope, Coping, and Social Support in Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
    Abstract: Dispositional hope, coping, and perceived social support were assessed among Vietnam combat veterans upon admission to and discharge from inpatient treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Veterans reported lower dispositional hope than any previously described sample, and hope did not increase at discharge from treatment. At admission, higher hope was correlated with greater perceived social support coming from family (this relationship persisted when controlling for depression and PTSD symptoms). At discharge, higher hope was associated with greater perceived social support coming from family and friends and the use of adaptive coping strategies. Results indicate that hope confers a beneficial effect once veterans undergo treatment for combat-related PTSD, a finding that suggests that hope may be “gone but not lost” for these individuals
    To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN 9709035132 into the search line
  • Humor as a coping mechanism: Lessons from POWs.
    Abstract: Examines the use of humor as a coping mechanism. Results of a survey of Vietnam prisoner-of-wars (POW) in unstructured interviews and Vietnam POWs in a structured, topical format; Links between humor and resilience; Creation of humor in a well-defined system of social support.
    To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN 8940541 into the search line
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder and coping in veterans who are seeking medical treatment.
    Abstract: The present study examined psychological coping styles and mental health treatment histories in veterans with PTSD. This study also served as a replication and extension of an earlier investigation that assessed the prevalence of PTSD in World War 11, Korea, and Vietnam combat veterans who were seeking medical treatment. Thirty-six combat veteran medical patients were compared to 38 war-era controls. Nearly a third of the combat veterans met psychometric criteria for PTSD; none of the controls met these criteria. Both PTSD-positive subjects and mental health treatment seekers showed a significantly greater use of emotion-focused coping. Results also showed that Vietnam combatants were more likely to have received individual mental health treatment. These findings and their treatment implications are discussed.
    To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN 9302070996 into the search line
  • Interpersonal Problem Solving and Coping Reactions of Vietnam Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Abstract: In order to assess the relation between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and interpersonal problem solving and coping, 43 Vietnam veterans were assigned to the following four groups: (a) combat veterans with PTSD, (b) combat veterans with severe adjustment problems but not PTSD-diagnosable (AP), (c) combat veterans who were well adjusted (WA), and (d) veterans with little or no combat exposure who served during the Vietnam era (ERA). Multivariate analyses of variance indicated that both the PTSD and AP groups reported less effective coping reactions and poorer problem solving than both the WA and ERA groups. The PTSD subjects also reported less effective problem solving and less problem-focused coping reactions than the AP veterans. Implications of these results are discussed.
    To access article, 1) go to Library Links; 2) click Ebschost databases from list; 3) click "All EBSCO databases; 4) Academic Search Premier; and finally 5) type AN abn962155 into the search line
  •   The Psychic Costs of War
    Psychotherapy Networker Vol. 29 No. 2 March/April 2005; Lexile Score: 1170; 9K, SIRS Researcher
    (Psychotherapy Networker) This article describes the psychological effects of war on soldiers, with a focus on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and discusses treatment.
  • All Facing Combat Go Through 'The Morph'
    American Forces Information Service News Articles  Aug. 21, 2000; Lexile Score: 1020; 7K, SIRS Government Reporter "Loving, caring, concerned husband and father," the general said, holding his hand in the air palm-up. "Cold-blooded and calculated killing machine," he said, turning his hand over. "Only in combat." Welsh was describing what he calls "the morph." It's the phenomenon, he said, of that mild-mannered person doing things under extreme duress that he would never do under normal circumstances.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Harvard Men's Health Watch  Oct. 2002; Lexile Score: 1130; 11K, SIRS Researcher
    Summary: "Over the past 30 years, doctors have learned a lot about PTSD [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder]. Most important, perhaps, they realize that it is not confined to war or, for that matter, to men. In fact, PTSD is a common disorder in any person exposed to major trauma, physical or psychological." (Harvard Men's Health Watch) This article examines the causes, symptoms and treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Sources for The Glass Menagerie
1945 interview New York Times PDF format
The Glass Menagerie Revisited (great article to start with -- HTML format)
General article on Glass HTML format
Chapter on different Themes in Williams' work HTML format
Background on America 1915-1945

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