Essay 3

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Choose one of the questions below and, after pre-writing and completing a reasons and evidence worksheet and thesis statement at home, come to class prepared to write a full essay -- title, intro, body paragraphs, conclusion (min. 5 paragraphs) which answers it. Remember, your purpose is to argue that your view is correct.

No word count here: focus on developing paragraphs. You must include at least one secondary source.

Unlike essays one and two, this essay will be drafted in class. You'll plan the essay at home, and then we'll use class time to work on the essay. The first day will be used to write a rough draft; this draft will be saved on my flashdrive or collected if written by hand. The second day I will load up or return your essay; you'll then revise and proofread till the end of class, and then submit the essay. To be clear, the draft you submit at the end of the second class will be the draft I grade.

Your cannot revise your essay outside of class.

The first place to check for sources is the textbook. The next place would be the library's databases (accessed via the Library Link). History, psychology, anthropology, or sociology textbooks are also very good sources.

NOTE: No open internet sources will be used in this essay. Failure to do so will mean an automatic D

And last time I checked, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, encyclopedias or dictionaries were not academic sources. And . . . remember that general encyclopedias, dictionaries, and the primary source itself do not count as secondary sources (though if used, they have to be cited).

Naturally, you must correctly document your sources using MLA parenthetical documentation style.

The best advice I can offer is to reread the play. This will provide you with the understanding and quotes necessary to set up and write a strong essay.

Be sure you have read and understood the definitions of an essay, thesis and division statement, topic sentences, introduction, and conclusion included in "Dr. Bordelon's Glossary."

Follow the suggestions in "In-class Essay Suggestions" ("Course Documents") and "Planning and Drafting an Essay." Remember to check with me if you have any questions or concerns. Also check "Writing about Drama" in textbook.

Note: If you are absent, you cannot bring in a draft of the essay on the second day: all drafting of the essay must be completed in class.

If you miss a day, you will have to make arrangements with me to complete the essay

What you may bring to class
1. Thesis statement and reasons and evidence worksheet
2. Completed Works Cited page
3. Literature textbook
4. Your brain
5. NOTE: Any other material, drafts of essays, introductions, etc. will be removed by me.

Do all of your thinking at home and come to class prepared to write. Even your titles and introductions and conclusions can be worked on at home, and jotted down quickly.

I cannot grade on what might have been: I have to base my grade on what is in front of me, so be sure to complete the essay.


  1. Wilson’s vision for his drama is to trace the history of blacks in America. Given this, what does the Piano Lesson reveal about the black experience in America circa 1930s?
  2. How does the play address the legacy of slavery?  How does it show that while slavery ended in 1865 (with the passage of the thirteenth amendment), vestiges of slavery remained. 
  3. Given the title and central role of the piano in the play, explain the role of song/music in The Piano Lesson.  What does it convey or how does it contribute to a central theme?  State what this theme is in a sentence or phrase and then argue how the piano supports this.
  4. Both The Piano Lesson and “Everyday Use” deal with issues of heritage.  Compare or contrast their view of heritage.
  5. Both The Piano Lesson and The Things They Carried deal with questions of memory.  How do both works show that our lives are ultimately constrained by memory.  Alternately, argue that the works show that the bounds of memories can be overcome.
  6. Wilson writes that his theme for The Piano Lesson was to see if "you [can] acquire a sense of self-worth by denying your past?" (qtd. in Heard).  Choices: either argue that the play says yes you can deny your past, or that is says no you cannot.
  7. What is the “cost” of heritage? Is it worth death – the death of person or the “death” of heritage?
  8. How does the Piano Lesson reflect the Northern and Southern views on how blacks should act in society?
  9. How does Wilson address the importance of the railroad in black American culture?
  10. At the end of the play, who “wins”? Who gets what they desired?
  11. What role does myth, legend, and/or ghosts have in this play? State what this role is in a phrase; your divisions will be the arguments that prove this role.

Grading Criteria
To receive a passing grade, you must successfully complete the following:
Organization: Have a clear thesis statement, which suggests how a particular question is valid. You must also include a clear division statement which is then developed in separate paragraphs with clear topic sentences.
Content: Paragraphs that use specific quotes and examples from the story to prove your point – AND a full and complete discussion on why and how that particular quote or word proves your point. REMEMBER: examples do not speak for themselves – the core of a good literary essay is in your commentary and explanations of the examples.
Proofreading: Sentences that are clear and no more than 5 major errors. Note on handwriting: if I can't read it, you will receive a failing grade: if in doubt, print.
Major errors: Sentence fragments, run-on sentences, verb-tense error, subject-verb agreement error, unclear phrasing/tangled wording, words that I cannot decipher, and spelling/wrong word error.


© David Bordelon