Iraq essays in Opposing Viewpoints 5-25-07

  1. Despite Intelligence Failures, Preventive War in Iraq Was Justified
    Global Viewpoint  July 12, 2004; Lexile Score: 1080 ; 11K, SIRS Researcher


On the pull out

"The United States Must Remain in Iraq to Fight Terrorism" by George W. Bush. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005

"The United States Should Withdraw from Iraq as Soon as Possible" by Charles V. Pena. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005

"Introduction to How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq?: At Issue." How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005.

Experts say an Iraq pullout not enough to stop jihadists; Both staying, leaving seen as problematic. (NEWS) San Francisco Chronicle , Sept 28, 2006 pA1

Cut and run? You bet. Why America must get out of Iraq now. (Coalition Occupation of Iraq, 2003-) Foreign Policy , May-June 2006 i154 p60(2


"Democracy in Iraq Can Succeed" by Adeed Dawisha. Can Democracy Succeed in the Middle East? Jann Einfeld, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006.

"Democracy Will Fail in Iraq" by Edwin Black. Democracy . Mike Wilson, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006.

"America Will Likely Fail to Establish a Democracy in Iraq" by Chappell Lawson and Strom C. Thacker. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005

"The United States Is Successfully Establishing Order in Iraq" by Vito Fossella. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004

"The United States Should Embrace an Imperialistic Role in Iraq" by Max Boot. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004

"The United States Should Reject an Imperialist Role in Iraq" by Awad Nasir. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004



"Americans Support Continued U.S. Efforts in Iraq" by Lawrence F. Kaplan. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005

"The Iraqi People Oppose U.S. Efforts in Iraq" by Robert Fisk. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005.

"The Iraqi People Support U.S. Efforts in Iraq" by Karl Zinsmeister. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005

"U.S. Troops Are Aiding Rebuilding Efforts in Iraq" by Max Boot. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005


  "America Must Confront the Threat Posed by Iran, Iraq, and North Korea" by George W. Bush. National Security . Helen Cothran, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
  "America Should Limit the United Nations' Role in Rebuilding Iraq" by Nile Gardiner. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "America Will Likely Fail to Establish a Democracy in Iraq" by Chappell Lawson and Strom C. Thacker. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "An American Attack on Iraq Is Justified" by George W. Bush. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "An American Attack on Iraq Is Not Justified" by John E. Farley. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Americans Support Continued U.S. Efforts in Iraq" by Lawrence F. Kaplan. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Biological and Chemical Weapons in Iraq's Arsenal" by Franklin Foer. Biological and Chemical Weapons . David M. Haugen, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Democracy Can Prevent War" by George W. Bush. War . John Woodward, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Democracy in Iraq Can Succeed" by Adeed Dawisha. Can Democracy Succeed in the Middle East? Jann Einfeld, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Democracy Will Fail in Iraq" by Edwin Black. Democracy . Mike Wilson, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text
"Democracy Will Succeed in Iraq" by George W. Bush. Democracy . Mike Wilson, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "A Democratic Nation-State May Not Be the Best Model for Afghanistan" by Matthew Riemer. Afghanistan . Jann Einfeld, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Ethnic and Religious Hostilities Cause Conflict" by Hazim Saghieyeh. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "A Failure to Find Iraq's Weapons Calls into Question the Justification for War" by David Corn. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Fall of Saddam Hussein's Regime Has Given the Iraqis Freedom" by Steven Vincent. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Focusing on Iran, Iraq, and North Korea Threatens National Security" by Llewellyn D. Howell. National Security . Helen Cothran, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Former Regime Inflicted Lasting Damage on the Iraqi People" by David Brooks. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iran's Interventions in Iraq Have Been More Helpful than Harmful" by Kenneth M. Pollack. Is Iran a Threat to Global Security? Julia Bauder, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iran Is Interfering with Efforts to Build a Stable Iraq" by Peter Brookes. Is Iran a Threat to Global Security? Julia Bauder, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iraq's Clerics Are Imposing Strict Dress Codes on Women" by Ilene R. Prusher. Women in Islam . Margaret Speaker Yuan , Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005


"Iraq's Oil Resources Can Lay the Foundations for Future Development" by Daniel Yergin. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay

"Iraq's Oil Resources May Hinder Future Development" by John B. Judis. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

"Iraq's Prospects for Democracy Are Good" by Rend Rahim Franke. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

"Iraq's Prospects for Democracy Are Poor" by Patrick Basham. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

"Iraq Did Not Possess Weapons of Mass Destruction" by World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text

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"Iraq Had Weapons of Mass Destruction" by Kenneth R. Timmerman. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006.

"Iraq Is Not Ready for Democracy" by Patrick Basham. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

"Iraq May Need to Divide into Separate Countries" by Ralph Peters. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

\"Iraq Moved Its Weapons of Mass Destruction in Response to the U.S. Invasion" by Christopher Hitchens. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006.

"Iraq Needs a Federalist System of Government" by Alon Ben-Meir. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

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Document is currently unmarked "Iraq Needs a Transitional Government with Dispersed Powers" by Laith Kubba. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iraq Needs Transitional Rule by a Strongman" by Daniel Pipes. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iraq Never Trained al Qaeda to Use Weapons of Mass Destruction" by Robert Scheer. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iraq Should Control Its Own Reconstruction" by the Nation. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iraq Should Have a Secular Democracy" by Barham Salih. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Iraq Still Possesses a Biological and Chemical Arsenal" by Bruce B. Auster and Linda Fasulo. Biological and Chemical Weapons . David M. Haugen, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Iraqi People Are Being Oppressed by the United States" by Nicole Colson. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Iraqi People Do Not Want a Secular Democracy" by Amir Butler. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Iraqi People Oppose U.S. Efforts in Iraq" by Robert Fisk. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Iraqi People Support U.S. Efforts in Iraq" by Karl Zinsmeister. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005.
"Islam May Not Be Compatible with Democracy" by Milton Viorst. The Middle East . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Liberating Iraq's People Does Not Justify War" by Michael Massing. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Liberating Iraq's People from a Cruel Regime Justifies War" by George W. Vradenburg. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Living Conditions in Iraq Are Improving After the War" by Thomas J. Basile. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Nuclear Proliferation Will Continue As Nations Try to Acquire Deterrence Capabilities" by Mirza Aslam Beg. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Position of Iraqi Women Has Improved" by the U.S. Department of State. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Position of Iraqi Women Has Not Improved" by Zainab Salbioff, interviewed by off our backs. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Potential for Nuclear Proliferation Creates Tension" by Ahmed S. Hashim. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Cannot Be Reversed" by Steven LaTulippe. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Saddam Hussein Was Iraq's Weapon of Mass Destruction" by Victor Davis Hanson. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006
"The Threat from Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Justified War" by Colin L. Powell. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Tyrannical Aggression Causes Conflict" by Ehud Ya'ari. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Government Misled the Public About Iraq's Nuclear Threat" by Jason Leopold. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Michael Logan, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S. Intervention Does Not Benefit the Middle East" by Stephen Hubbell. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "A U.S. Invasion of Iraq Is Not Justified" by Stephen Zunes. Is Military Action Justified Against Nations Thought to Support Terrorism? James D. Torr, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2003. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Invasion of Iraq Was Based on False Pretenses" by Charles V. Peña. U.S. Policy Toward Rogue Nations . James D. Torr, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S. Involvement in the 2003 Iraq War Was Motivated by Oil" by Paul Rogers. Oil . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S. Involvement in the 2003 Iraq War Was Not Motivated by Oil" by Charles A. Kohlhaas. Oil . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S. Military Strikes on Iraq Are Justified" by Bill Clinton. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S. Military Strikes on Iraq Are Not Justified" by Bob Herbert. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000.
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Occupation of Iraq Has Resulted in Iraqi Media Censorship" by Alex Gourevitch. Censorship . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Occupation of Iraq Has Resulted in Iraqi Media Freedom" by Ilene R. Prusher. Censorship . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Occupation of Iraq Will Increase Terrorism" by William Norman Grigg. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "A U.S. Occupation of Iraq Will Not Be Successful" by the Progressive. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Should Not Pursue a More Open Relationship with Iran" by James Phillips. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The U.S. Supplied Iraq with Biological and Chemical Weapons' Materials" by William Blum. Biological and Chemical Weapons . David M. Haugen, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S. Troops Are Aiding Rebuilding Efforts in Iraq" by Max Boot. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "U.S.-Imposed Democracy Cannot Succeed in the Middle East" by Wesley Clark. Can Democracy Succeed in the Middle East? Jann Einfeld, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "UN Sanctions Against Iraq Should Be Lifted" by Rick McDowell. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "UN Sanctions Against Iraq Should Continue" by Madeleine K. Albright. The Middle East . Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2000
"Unearthing the Truth" by John Barry. Biological and Chemical Weapons . David M. Haugen, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United Nations and Arab Organizations Should Be Given a Greater Role in the Reconstruction of Iraq" by Bryane Michael. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United Nations and Arab Organizations Should Not Be Given a Greater Role in the Reconstruction of Iraq" by Reuel Marc Gerecht. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Cannot Escape Dependence on Saudi Arabian Oil" by Joe Barnes, Amy Jaffe, and Edward L. Morse. Oil . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Did Not Invade Iraq to Control Its Oil Reserves" by Jerry Taylor. Foreign Oil Dependence . James Haley, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Invaded Iraq to Ensure Its Global Dominance" by Rahul Mahajan. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Is a Dangerous Rogue" by Edward Herman. Rogue Nations . Louise Gerdes, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Is Successfully Establishing Order in Iraq" by Vito Fossella. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Must Ask Other Nations to Help Rebuild Iraq" by John Kerry. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Must Increase Its Investment in Rebuilding Iraq" by Paul Bremer. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005.
"The United States Must Remain in Iraq to Fight Terrorism" by George W. Bush. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Embrace an Imperialistic Role in Iraq" by Max Boot. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Fight Terrorism by Building Democracy in the Middle East" by Chuck Hagel. America's Battle Against Terrorism . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Go to War Against Nations That Support Terrorism" by Angelo M. Codevilla. Is Military Action Justified Against Nations Thought to Support Terrorism? James D. Torr, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2003. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Help Iraqis Build a Democracy" by Mark N. Katz. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Maintain a Nonmilitary Influence in Iraq" by Christopher Preble. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Not Ask Other Nations to Help Rebuild Iraq" by Reuel Marc Gerecht. How Should the United States Withdraw from Iraq? . Neal Pozner, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Not Permit Iraqis to Elect an Islamic Regime" by Robert Garmong. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Not Support Regime Change in Iran and Syria" by Part I: John Hughes; Part II: Flynt Leverett. U.S. Policy Toward Rogue Nations . James D. Torr, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Promote Democratic Regimes in the Middle East" by Victor Davis Hanson. The Middle East . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Reject an Imperialist Role in Iraq" by Awad Nasir. Iraq . William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Send More Troops to Iraq" by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "The United States Should Transfer the Administration of Iraq to the United Nations" by Stephen Zunes. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "War Against Iraq Was Justified to Protect the World from a Dangerous Regime" by John McCain. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "War Against Iraq Was Necessary to Protect the World from Terrorism" by George W. Bush. Iraq . Andrea C. Nakaya, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Full text Viewpoint Essay
Document is currently unmarked "Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East Threaten the International Community" by Lawrence Scheinman. The Middle East . Auriana Ojeda, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2003.