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Dr. Bordelon's World Lit II Course Site

What to Hand In With Final Draft

Note: Completing this will take a while, so give yourself enough time.

When you hand in each out-of-class assignment, you will turn in not only the final revision, but all of the writing you did for that assignment. This provides me with a clear view of the path you took to get to your final revision. Put this work in a manila folder with your name, section, and the assignment written clearly on the tab of the folder. Each folder you turn in should contain the following six parts -- along with one extra step. From top to bottom the parts should follow this order:

  1. Reflecting: (Right on top) Answer the following three questions: 1) what are the two most important things you learned about your subject/World literature from writing this essay? 2) how did the research affect your thinking/essay? Type this on a separate sheet of paper.
  2. Final revision: the final, revised version of the essay. Follow sample MLA format essay (also on Course Documents page) for format. (This, my friends, is a no-brainer: take the sample essay in one hand, and your essay in the other and make your essay match the layout of name, line spacing, page numbering, etc. from the sample essay). All of the essays handed in need to have a title Be sure to proofread carefully -- as the writer of the paper you are responsible for any grammatical or typographical errors.
  3. Works Cited Page: Be sure to include correctly formatted Work Cited page. (See “Citing Sources”)
  4. Invention/pre-writing: numerous pages of rough, unpolished invention writing for that particular paper.
  5. Drafts: at least one or two rough, exploratory drafts, and in any event, all of the drafts associated with that essay. They must be the original copies and labeled with the assignment title and draft number.
  6. Research: all notes, copies of articles, etc. associated with essay.
  7. Email final draft to me: Using your own or the college's email account, send me an electronic copy of your final draft.

Make sure you have each of these before you hand in your paper. Hate to be a stickler, but . . .your paper will not be accepted and will be considered a "late paper" if you do not include all of the items noted above.

REMEMBER: You must make an appointment so we can review your rough draft before you can hand it in.