
I think Whitman would have really liked the World Wide Web. . . .

Quick Links
OCC library database
Citing Sources Instructions (online and in the Packet as well)

Not So Quick Links
You'll find here a variety of links to extend your knowledge of American literature and literature in general.

For a list of suggest reading for English majors, click here.

Remember that for your research essay, you need to check with me before using information from any website (unless it is from one of the OCC library's databases). Consider these a starting point -- and let me know of others to add

Links to Link and Links to Authors

Voice of the Shuttle
A kind of online bibliography of english links

The Walt Whtiman Archive
One of the best sites devoted to a literary figure

Dickinson Electronic Archives
See comment above

The 19th Century American Women Writers Web
Some resources/commentary and links to etexts. Click on 19WWW for a great list of etexts.

Online Texts

Gutenberg Project 
Tons o' online books, including odd-balls like McGuffey's Readers from the 19th century

Making of America
This is a full text and searchable archive of assorted and sundry 19th primary sources.  Everything from volumes of Appleton's Monthly Magazine to travel books can be found.  A must see for Americanists

Schomberg's digital library 
Searchable rare African-American texts

The American Colonist's
Library: A Treasury of Primary Documents
Colonial American Documents

The Internet Public Library
Good warehouse of sites -- they actually seem to have decided which sites are worth taking a look at.

Various and Sundry

Arts and Literature Daily
For us Humanties types. Great quick reads on a variety of topics

Links to Online Dictionaries
400 Dictionaries in over 130 languages

Rogets Thesarus


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Last Revised Feb. 2008
David Bordelon