From the Clarksdale Press Register ( Mississippi ) June 3, 2004

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor:

I am a Jesus freak.

Jesus said that you can't serve two fathers. Either you serve God the Heavenly father or you are damned and serve Satan. All true conservatives will be against homosexuality. It's not acceptable in God's house. I believe they can be saved and change this lifestyle. Anyone that says it is OK to kill babies is damned. God made human life in His own likeness. We as Christian expect Americans to be against us. They were against Jesus. God has blessed us, but for how long? For America 's weakness is turning its back on God. We better not think that God won't put his wrath on America soon. American better thank God for Christians who are praying for this country. The rest of the people are not getting what they can get in riches. May god heal the churches and people. It's time Christians take a stand in voices and elections. Get these liberals out of government, and get conservative Christian leadership in government.

(qtd. in Simic 46).

Simic, Charles. "Down There on a Visit." New York Review of Books . 12 August 2004 : 45-47.

From "Glorious Appearing: The End of Days"

A 2004 New York Times bestseller and the last in the popular series (Left Behind) which portrays the world after the second coming of Christ. The scene below describes an apocalyptic battle between Christ and the armies of the "infidels" who remained after the rapture.

Tens of thousands of foot soldiers dropped their weapons, grabbed their heads or their chests, fell to their knees, and writhed as they were invisibly sliced asunder. Their innards and entrails gushed to the desert floor, and as those around them turned to run, they too were slain, their blood pooling and rising in the unforgiving brightness of the glory of Christ.

"For My sword shall be bathed in heaven; indeed it shall come down on Edom , and on the people of My curse, for judgment.

"The sword of the Lord is filled with blood. It is made overflowing with fatness. For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom .

"Their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust saturated with fatness" (qtd. in Simic 46; 226 in original).

Simic, Charles. "Down There on a Visit." New York Review of Books . 12 August 2004 : 45-47.