Approved Sources

The place to go is the Library Link -- OCC's online database.  See your packet for specifics on which sources to use.

New York Review of Books
At this site, click on the New York Review of Books icon to access thoughtful, considered, and in-depth articles on politics, social issues, and the arts: in other words, articles on life itself. As the name suggests, this is a book review, but each article amounts to a survey of the field under study. I’ve read some fascinating articles on Star Wars, prozac, Pi, Artificial intelligence, and Bosnia, in addition to essays on Shakespeare and Virginia Woolf (and even references to Shakespeare’s sister)

To use, click on the New York Review of Books icon, and go to "Search the Archives."

If any of the articles look good, but you do not want to pay for them, our library has paper copies of back issues.

Asbury Park Press
The place for local news – though it lacks a thorough archive.

Salon Magazine
One of the first fully online magazines; still manages to offer the thoughts of some of the best writers of today.

New York Times
“All the news that fit to print”

A great reference site with links to everything from weather to financial statistics in the Middle East.

Tom Paine Common Sense
A progressive liberal site offering an alternative view to the news

A bit more rigorous than TIME, which has degenerated into a celebrity mag.

The National Review
From a conservative point of view

The Washington Times
A conservative newspaper

The sites below are from OCC's library web page and are a great place for specific information.

Government Publications links through other libraries
Princeton Public Library - Government Resources on the Internet
University of Louisville Libraries - Government Publications
University of Michigan Libraries - Documents Center
Vanderbilt University Library - Frequently Used Government Sites

Medical Issues
Health information from the National Library of Medicine

Law Research Sites
New Jersey Law Network
search statutes, court rules, evidence rules, legislation, etc.

many links to legal resources