Integrating Quotes Into Your Essay

Since college level writing means entering into an existing conversation -- you are not the first person to write about the purpose of college, capital punishment, internet privacy, etc. -- it's important to learn how to smoothly incorporate those other voices into your essay.

Below you'll find instructions, student examples, and lists of words and phrases you can use to make sure that, among the many other voices in your essay, your own voice comes though loud and clear.

While similar instructions are spread throughout the course as they're needed, because it's such an important part of college writing, it's convenient to additional suggestions in one place. You can also consult the citing sources section of our composition textbook.

The video below  works in tandem with this page: once you're familiar with the concept as shown in the video, use the instructions to smoothly incorporate quotes and summaries into your work.

Integrating Quotations video (Links to an external site.)DavidVHennessy. (2008, July 23). Integrating Source in MLA Style [Video file]. Retrieved from

Verb List and Signal Phrases

Use these words in a signal phrase to set up a quote. See them in action below. 

point out

Sample Signal Phrases

Notice how the word "that" is often used to smooth out the transition between the signal phrase and the quote.

  • Colby et. al, believe that college can  develop "our democratic principles"  such as "tolerance and respect for others" (196).
  • Both writers suggest that
  • The writers point out that
  • Former Barnard president Judith Shapiro reinforces college's role in creating a thoughtful mindset, writing ""You want the inside of your head to be an interesting place to spend the rest of your life" (qtd. in Delbanco 33).
  • Carolyn Martin, President of Amherst College, explains how college prepares students for the challenges of living in a complex world where people need to apply "rigorous analyses of its problems and synthetic approaches to solving them" (qtd. in "What").

Three Steps to Integrating a Quote

Introduce quote, stating name of writer (or speaker) and establishing  his or her credentials/credibility;

  1. Insert quote with documentation;
  2. Explain/argue how the quote illustrates the point you're making. Try "requoting" a word.

1 Introduce quote:
Delbanco, Columbia professor of American Studies, argues that college teaches people to see through propaganda by showing them

2 Insert Quote
"the difference between demagoguery and responsible arguments" (29). 

3 Explain Quote
Delbanco suggests that college's emphasis on critical thinking -- debating ideas with reason and evidence -- is central to the idea of democracy.  It provides citizens with the intellectual depth that allows them to see the fear mongering and scapegoating of demagogues as propaganda, and instead of reacting to it without thinking, to look for more "responsible reasoning."   He believes that the work of democracy needs to be decided with the head instead of the heart.

All Together Now
Delbanco, Columbia professor of American Studies, argues that college teaches people to see through propaganda by showing them "the difference between demagoguery and responsible arguments" (29). Delbanco suggests that college's emphasis on critical thinking -- debating ideas with reason and evidence -- is central to the idea of democracy.  It provides citizens with the intellectual depth that allows them to see the fear mongering and scapegoating of demagogues as propaganda, and instead of reacting to it without thinking, to look for more "responsible arguments."   He believes that the work of democracy needs to be decided with the head instead of the heart.

Direct Quotes - Print

the political leaders -- and the people who vote for them -- have decided it's a bigger priority to build another bomber than to educate our children. They would rather hold hearings about eh depravity of a television show called Jackass than about their own depravity in neglecting our schools and children and maintaining our title as Dumbest Country on Earth. (156)

This misguided use of money and intellect is part of the problem with the education system in this country.

Block indent for quotes which take up four lines or more on your page.

Note ellipsis dots and square brackets for excluded words

Note ellipsis dots and square brackets for excluded words

Direct Quote -- Online

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Block indent for quotes which take up four lines or more on your page .

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Summary or Paraphrase -- Print

Summary or Paraphrase -- Online

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation.

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation

Note: since essay is taken from online source which was not a PDF file, no page number is cited in the in-text citation