Essay #3

You'll find here a listing of the topics for Essay #3

General Instructions
For our third essay, you may choose from several topics, but the purpose (argument) and requirements will be the same.

The assignment sheets and instructions for each are included in the links below. You'll notice that the weekly assignments will be more general (i.e. "Read the first set of essays on your topic"), but will still refer to I&C when necessary. Much of the planning and revision instructions will be accessed from the pages listed below. You will have to download short packets with more specific instructions as well.

One difference here is that you'll be using a mix of assigned sources, and sources that you search and retrieve on your own. And yes, the sources you find yourself will mainly be from the databases (more on this in the assignment sheets) or print sources (newspapers, magazines, books anyone?).


Income Inequality
Economists now agree that the income gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing -- and at an exponential rate. They do not agree if this is good or bad for America. You're going to help them.

Civic Stances
Conservative. Liberal. Libertarian. You've heard these terms; now it's time to understand and argue which is best for America. (email me for the readings and a packet)

The founding fathers (and mothers too) put freedom of speech at the top of "the list" -- it's our first amendment. But some argue that this right should be circumscribed during times of crisis. Alternately, they argue that it is unpatriotic to criticize the country during wartime. You get to "speak out" on this topic (lame pun intended).

National Health Care
Many agree that our current system is broken. The disagreement starts with how to fix it. Many believe that a single-payer plan is the answer: you decide if that is the direction the country should follow.

Financial Crisis
Okay, the economy has tanked: high unemployment, low or negative growth, and a weak stock market mean we're living in the midst of "The Great Recession," as some have called it. While the effects are clear, the causes are not. Write an essay arguing that ____ led to the current crisis. This blank can consist of one overarching cause (with resulting divisions) or several causes. Alternatively, you can examine the economic system itself -- capitalism -- and argue for or against it.

National Debt
Yes we're in debt, but what's the best way to stimulate the economy and reduce the debt? Cut spending? Raise taxes? You decide.

© 2009 David Bordelon